Social studies

50 hours of social studies 

The Introduction Act states that the immigrants the law applies to should be offered a 50 hours course in Norwegian society. The course shall be given in a language the immigrant understands.

Kvalifiseringstjenesten  i Grimstad offers courses. We also cooperate with Arendal municipality in the organization of these courses.


If you are interested in a course, please contact us by phone, e-mail og just show up in our reseption. We will then register you, and give you information about aviliable courses.

Course fee

Samfunnskunnskap - priser (engelsk) 2024
Course/test Course fee
75 hours of social studies (the test is included in the price) 3 800
Test costs 800
Priser fra 1/1-2024

Persons with a right and a duty according to the Introduction Act, who got their first settlement permit after 1.9.2013 are obliged to complete the course with a test. The school organizes the tests.